Pierson Krass — Pierson Krass — Pierson Krass — Pierson Krass —


Pierson started his first company at 15 and has spent the last 16 years building and investing at the intersection of ecommerce and consumer.

Scaling brands via a full service ecommerce and digital marketing agency
Building subscription and retention software to help brands crank up customer lifetime value
Investing in consumer brands and ecommerce enablement solutions

Writing about entrepreneurship and growth


Founder of Lunar Solar Group, a full service digital marketing agency and Co-Founder of Retextion, a retention operating system.

Pierson is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert. Over the last 16 years, he has worked directly with more than 200 brands to generate hundreds of millions in revenue. Pierson focuses on holistic growth strategies that combine cutting edge technology, community building creative, and a direct response mindset.